Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is a photo of mine, I chose it to mimic the sense of separation that exists in some of the photos below. This girl is along with her thoughts, gazing out into a city scape.

This is one of my photos. I like the light quality - both artificial and natural light streaming into the room.
This subject is alone, with her own thoughts. The soft pastel colors of this photo express such emotion.
The artist is haley jane samuelson, the exhibit is called another room. http://www.housprojects.com/exhibitions/index.html

I love the emotion that this photo expresses. Again, a single man alone with his thoughts. The composition is nice as is the color, very vibrant and contrasty.
This is a photo by Chong Dai © from an exhibit at the Noorderlicht gallery. http://www.noorderlicht.com/

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I would definitely like to see more, three a week of each. Your photographs posted throughout are exceptional!
